Our Mission
Nucleus Research & Development Center brings high value ideas from concept to the market as fully produced products.
We are interested in highly innovative, multi-disciplinary products that can be produced in Cyprus and sold globally. We want the highest value and benefits to be created and enjoyed by the people who live and support this beautiful island.
We are fiercely dedicated to the promotion of women in the innovation industry and strive to keep our teams balanced, with women in leadership roles whenever possible. We are also dedicated to equal opportunity employment based on skill and interest to work, without consideration for gender, race, religion, physical ability, or any other irrelevant distinguishing factor.
We love the environment, animals, and nature, and every project we undertake goes through a strict evaluation to verify that it is at least beneficial to one of them.
Our Research & Development Team

Founder, CEO, CTO
Alexis m. pierides
Dr. Pierides has been developing scientific solutions and performing forward looking Research & Development since 1999.
His academic background in solid mechanics, advanced composite materials, fluid mechanics and aerospace engineering have helped him establish companies specializing from biomedical engineering research to industrial plastics production.
His experience as a lead engineer in the High-Tech R&D sector for almost a decade has earned him a global reputation among the telecom giants. His work as a 3 to 5 year forward looking technology research and developer, as well as year 1 and 2 production global consultant have helped him understand and implement the process of product development from conception to market.
The combination of scientific academic research, industrial research and development, as well as market implementation, is now helping him establish the Nucleus Research & Development Center. A center where the entire process from idea to product can be implemented.

U.S. & Western Europe Research and Business Development
Diane reid
Miss. Diane Reid is an Accomplished Engineer, Architect and Entrepreneur, owning and running businesses from the age of 18 and owning and developing real estate businesses since 21.
An insatiable learner, she is continuing to expand her horizons while trying to earn her PnD in Aerospace Engineering from MIT, and working as the Team leader Sr. Forensic Engineer at Rand Architecture in NY.
She is the Nucleus R&D Center's main research liaison and business developing strategist in western Europe and the United States while working on her own research initiatives for future Nucleus projects.